Echo Plus Vs SmartThings – Which One Is Better?

Echo Plus Vs SmartThings – This article talks about the difference between these two smart devices.

Technology has reached new heights, and with these technological advancements, human lives have become much easier and convenient.

The smart hub has brought a new dimension to people’s lives.

Amazon Echo Plus is a speaker which you can use to manage all smart devices. SmartThings is also a smart hub, but it looks like a router.

This device is efficient enough to make your home smart home by connecting to all the smart devices and making them all work together. However, there are some differences between Echo and SmartThings.

Echo Plus Vs SmartThings

  • SmartThings comes with running customized programs that you can use to automate connected devices on the local network. But this may not be the case with Echo Plus. 
  • You can easily connect SmartThings with all kinds of smart devices. All the devices can be connected easily. On the other hand, Echo Plus comes with certain protocols for connecting to devices.
  • The Amazon Echo Plus comes with a Zigbee radio module that can allow you to perform certain functions with the Zigbee devices. On the other hand, the SmartThings have access to a wide range of platforms, and you can get support from more devices when using this smart hub. 
  • The Amazon Echo Plus comes with actions that you can use for a limited time. However, on the other side, the SmartThings provide a wide range of scope, which allows smooth running of functions. Using SmartThings, you can easily connect to any smart device. 

Echo Plus Vs SmartThings – Conclusion

However, though both Amazon Echo Plus and SmartThings indeed come with some basic similarities in their functions, they are also different.

The main differences between the two smart hubs are mentioned above.